Friday, December 24, 2010

The future's so bright

I want to:
*Learn how to sail and spend a week out at sea
*Create a workout plan and stick to it
*Volunteer at an AIDS support organization/orphanage in Africa
*Live abroad for one year
*broaden my cooking knowledge
*brush up on my French and learn Italian
*Go vegetarian for one month
*Shamelessly flirt with a cute guy (in a day, non-drinking scene)
*Create a budget and financial savings plan

Just to name a few. What do you want to do?


  1. I want to:

    Take a cake decorating class
    volunteer somewhere
    join a club
    build a professional website
    get in shape
    try a personal trainer
    write in my blog more
    start lifting weights

  2. Ooh I would love to work with a personal trainer. My gym at school has classes and personal trainers and I'm determined to take advantage of them before I graduate at the end of the school year.
